Act As If - What A Big Sign Says About Your Small Business

You want your business to make a big impact, no matter how small it is. You want people to take notice and you want to be able to make it a successful venture. One of the most overlooked ways to do that starts with picking out just the right sign.
About 8 out of every 10 people have reported entering a store they had never before visited, just because of the sign. The problem is, too many people are relying solely on their social media activity to get people in the doors. What is important is to realize just how important both approaches are.
It’s All in What Your Sign Says
If you want to know how your shoppers feel and what they think, notice your own habits as a consumer. When it comes to signage for businesses, large and small:
Some businesses try to get away with not having a sign at all. It is true that your name or sign may not be able to convey exactly what it is that you do, but it still at least shows people you are open for business. A sign helps intrigue them and makes it much more likely for potential customers to enter your business in the first place.
On the other hand, having a shoddy sign or signage with misspelled words can be a real turnoff. Studies indicate that about 50% of consumers surveyed admit that they have avoided entering a business simply because of a bad sign.
Feedback from consumers also indicates that they believe the quality of the sign directly represents the quality of the products or service the store has to offer. Failing to have signage or having a poor quality sign comes across as a direct reflection of what it is that you have to offer the shopping world.
So what was the most important factor for consumers, when it comes to signage? Legibility ranked as the leading characteristic.
Applying This to Your Store
In New Orleans, you want to be able to make a good first impression and lure in potential consumers. Think of your sign as the first impression, which is the most important way to attract new consumers. To learn more, or to get serious about your new sign, contact Prime Signs LLC today.